**Names have been removed to protect identity**
Good morning,
Please read the below and be aware when people phone you claiming to be from a reputable company. We’re so quick to give our details when asked.
Have a good day.
From: Hxxx Txxx
Sent: 06 November 2009 04:32 AM
To: Hxxx Txxx
Subject: gail...please read my tale of disaster
Good morning!
I received this shocking mail from Gail. Please read it and warn everyone you know – lets not fall victim to these fraudsters.
From: Gail Dxxx Wxxx
Sent: 05 November 2009 07:19 PM
Subject: gail...please read my tale of disaster
Dear Friends and Butterflies
Have you tried to call me today …..
You cannot get through on my cell phone or on me land line…
Let me tell you bout my last 48 hours….
Read my story and be warned …. You could be next.
I received a substantial amount of money deposited into my account from some investments that were due. I also received large amounts of cash and deposits as I have had a busy month with Honey. This money of course belongs to Honey and I pay this over to them weekly.
On Tuesday I received a call from vodacom confirming that I wish have my cell phone barred, I of course had not requested this and my alarm was immediately raised.
Vodacom asked me to confirm my account number, id number and physical address for security reasons.
I did this.
I then demanded to know who had requested my account to be barred….this mad me so mad.
I was told they would get back to me.
5 minutes later a lady called from VODACOM FRAUD DEPATEMENT. She asked me to confirm all me details and then gave me a long code. She told me to punch this into my phone . I askes her what this was all about…
- She said it would align up 3 staellite dishes that would then stop the Nigerians from using my cellphone line .
- I wrote the number down as I was driving.
- She gave me her name and contact numbers.
- I immediately became suspicious as the number she gave me was a Bedfordview number.
- I told her I would punch the numbers in my phone and I hung up.
- I then tried to call this Bedfordview number which took me to a motor car spares shop.
- I tried the cell number…..the mail box was full.
- My suspicion was immediately raised.
This woman then called me every 5 minutes to try and encourage me to punch this code in my cell phone.
I called Absa Bank Fraud department as I was racing in my Honey Car to the Bank in Bedford Centre.
I managed to get one lady to help me and I immediately froze all my bank accounts.
When I got to Bedford Bank I saw my personal banker.
She told me this is a known scam and we need to get hold of vodacom not to freeze my ohone.
What the fraudsters do is they divert your cell phone to their number and proceed to empty your bank account by cell phone banking.
We tried all afternoon for some luck with vodacome who kept telling me I was the fraudster as they had the REAL MRS Dxxx Wxxx ON THE OTHER LINE WITH HER BANK DETAILS , ID NUMBER AND THEY WERE GOING TO BAR MY ACCOUNT.
After much hysterics I got vodacom to agreed that they would not freeze my cell account unless it came in writing.
Now almost 5 hours of my day have been lost.
I get on with my days work and Fxxx and I work until after 10h00 catching up on Honey chores.
Can you imagine my horror this morning when I receive an sms from Vodacom confirming my service query.
Half an hour later I have no cell phone…it has been barred
I have no home land line ….it us dead.
- I get in my car and race to Vodacom Alberton.
- I tell my story to unbelieving ears.
- I produce my id and my cell account to be told that I am not the real MRS, Dxxx Wxxx.
- They have received a copy of my bank acc , my id and ALL MY HUSBANDS ACCOUNTS TOO AND MY PHONE HAS BEEN BARRED.
- They take another foresic report and will COME BACK TO ME !!!!!
- They will draw all the telephone tapes and revert to me to see if I am the gangster or the owner of this phone.
- I race to Absa Bank….remember I can’t phone from my land line…..
- I storm into my manager office….
And Guess what …
Funds have been cleared from my account….
A huge amount of money has been cashed by cheque. (the corresponding cheque number lies still in my cheque book …how do you like that !!! )
The Bank tell me they have spoken to me on my landline and got positive proof it was be as I gave them the following information :
- My id
- My Husbands ID
- My physical address
- All my 5 banking account numbers
- My 3 credit card numbers
- My mortgage bond account number.
- The only information I could not give was my balance on my mortgage.
- The bank then presumed it was safe to cash this cheque and allowed it to go….
Can you just imagine my horror….
- I have no identity of note with vodacom who don’t believe I am ME
- My money has been fraudulently removed from my bank
- I have no cell phone
- I have no landline
SO…..If you are looking for me…the only way is e mail
I am traumatised, frustrated and mad…..
I will let you know when vodacom are so kind as to reconnect my phone and believe me … !!!!
I have spent hours in the bank trying to save my money…. I have not been in my office as this has taken hours to do….
I am frustrated and mad…..
I am waiting for the next withdrawal from my account by the cell phone banking
And I am bewildered as to how they have cashed a cheque that is still in MY CHEC BOOK!!!!
If you are planning to deposit money into my account…please don’t… I will let you now when it is free again…
If I owe you… I will give you cash as my account is frozen.
If you have left messages on my phone… I don’t have them !!!
If you think I have gone mad I have not !!!.
I shall be making use of Nxxx phone…you can sms and call me there 082-xxx-xxxx.
E mail me …with pleasure….
When my phones are working again…. I will sms you.
Clearly this is a fraudulent occurrence from within the bank….I wonder how much they are going to hack out of my account tonight!!!! My cell number has been diverted to their number and vodacom have me on hold !!!
So beware…. I would hate this to happen to you.
My apologies to poor Axxx who was expecting me at her team meeting tonight… I am so sorry Alta…just been fighting for what is rightfully mine !!!
I will make up to you next meeting!!!
Let you know when I am on line and communicating again.
Love a mad Gail
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